Sunday, January 12, 2014

Jokes for Teddy!

Why did the sticky note cross the road?
              because it was stuck on the chickens foot!

What does a baby computer calls its dad?

Knock knock
              Who's there?
Wooden shoe
              Wooden shoe who?
Wooden shoe like to hear another joke?

What do you call a fake noodle?
              A imPASTA!

Why do skeletons not fight each other?
              Because they don't have the guts!

What did the water say to the boat?
              Nothing it just waved!

How do you make a goldfish age?
              You take out the "g".

What did the bee say to the flower?
              Hey, honey!

Why was the man running around his bed?
              He was trying to catch up on his sleep!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Thinking Like a Mountain

"Only the mountain has lived long enough to listen objectively to the howl of the wolf."
 This quote is from the short story Thinking Like a mountain  by: Aldo Leopard

This story was about a young boy who thought he was doing the right thing by killing every wolf they see. But he thinks about it and realized that is we do kill all of these wonder-is creatures then the deer/ Elk population will be over and that will mess up the whole ecosystem. Because they eat all the food and they will all starve. As people trying to control nature he wants to basically stop them, the mountain has already got everything under control.

I think that this is a story that everyone should read. People try and try to control things that are fine like when the British tried to "colonize" the Africans and Native Americans they only thought of themselves and now the whole world off a little, we are now over populated and people are starving because of this. If they only left us alone then we could ALL be happy not just them. I do agree with this piece of work because it is a scientific fact that they messed every thing up by trying to wipe out one population. This is now one of my favorite pieces of art, it was inspiring and well thought out.

Friday, August 30, 2013

The Mannhattan Project: TED talk

55... 55 is the number of ecologic communities that used to live where we have our present day New York. Do you ever wonder what things used to look like? For example, if you walk down Main Street do you ever wonder what it looked like hundreds of years ago? Or even when you imagine a dinosaur walking where do you imagine it?
I watched a video about what New York looked like before we built all of our junk on it. Eric Sanderson is the director of a program called The Manhattan Project, he is looking at an older map of New York with some buildings and compares the too. Also he took the comparison to a very current map of NY and we had to make some dramatic changes. Like we took out hundreds of animals, trees, lakes, and rivers.
Eric did all of this because he would go see all these amazing places and come back to see New York and he just started wondering. That is how most great things started, right? I have learned many things from this great TED talk but the one thing that I will always think of when I go to big cities is what it looked like prior to when we messed it all up.